Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Benefit Concert (in which Dan and Seth raise enough for the return journey)

Well, it is high time for a update. Dan and I are wrapping up our fundraising, and starting to pack. It is hard to believe we leave in less than three weeks! We have been extraordinarily blessed by family, friends and even folks we don't know. God has graciously seen us through what could have been a harrowing and stressful time by provided us with a abundance of spiritual as well as financial support. At this point we are over our goal of $16,000 by nearly $1300 dollars. Wow. Praise God!

We completed our last fundraising event, a benefit concert, on Friday. It went fantastically! We had a large turn out, and a lovely line up of musicians. Here we must give a massive thank you to all of the talented artists who donated their time to preform music: Martha Mason, Jack Snyder, Brandon and Leah Milan, and Ryan Buchanan. A big thank you to Clint Matthews for being the best MC in the world. Thanks to Bryan Draughn for being an incredibly competent sound technician! And last but not least, thank you to all of the Vine of the Mountains small groups who made tasty desserts to munch on!
Feeling confident
Dan and I didn't really know what kind of turn out to expect, and we were pleasantly surprised when 80 people showed up. We are so blessed to have such a group of friends and family who support us!
So many amazing people!

The evening started of with Dan tickling the ivories for a bit, playing pieces by Beethoven and Martha Mason.

Dan making that keyboard sing!

We then moved on to Ryan Buchanan and Dan playing saxophone and piano pieces.

Dan and Ryan jamming

Martha Mason then played several of her own delightful arrangements on the keyboard.

The lovely Martha Mason playing her beautiful piano arrangements
After a short intermission (with dessert!), Ryan put on a excellent performance of Miles Davis' "All Blues" with his loop station. Taking a more folksy turn, Jack Snyder played several songs, both covers and originals. Personally, I was blown away by Jacks renditions of "Helplessness Blues" by Fleet Foxes.

Jacks folksy goodness

Last, but most assuredly not least, came Brandon and Leah Milan. Playing a set of folk/bluegrass/indie- rock and entertaining us with unassuming, slightly awkward humor, they were a joy to have play with us.

Brandon, Leah and Ryan
We finished up the night with Brandon, Leah, and Ryan and I playing a rowdy version of Mumford & Son's "The Cave".

Needless to say, the benefit concert was a huge success! Spiritual and fiinancial support was raised, and good times were had by all. Thanks again to everyone who helped out! 
