Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Blessed Are the Busy...?

This post is a reflection that I included in my monthly email update for June. You can read that entire update here. And if you'd like to receive my email updates each month, just click here and enter your name and email address!

Blessed are the busy,
for they will please God with their many activities.

If only Jesus had said these words in the beatitudes, along with the other values of the kingdom of God! If he had, most people in the Western church would be incredibly blessed, most of all DTS leaders. But the reality is that God has said nothing of the sort. Instead, he says things like:

Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the Lord their God.
(Psalm 146:5)
...Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
(Jeremiah 17:7)

He even says silly things like "Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10) which we hardly know what to do with, especially when our schedules get extra busy.

I have especially been wrestling with this as I have rediscovered just how frenetic the pace of a YWAM DTS can be. Between morning lectures, worship, intercession (prayer), staff meetings, justice class, bible studies, small groups, emails, exercise time, one-on-ones, and frequent special events and trips, it is a pretty full schedule. However, I've discovered that we can respond to busyness in two ways. First, we can face it in our own strength, deciding that our many tasks take precedence over relationship with God and letting them crowd Him out of our lives. The alternative is that we make God our help and our hope, understanding that in busy times our need for God is actually that much greater.

A couple weeks ago, we had a busy week to top all busy weeks, and I reverted my old habit of independence, trying to navigate it in my own strength without really going to God for help. By God's grace it turned out OK, but by the end I was exhausted, both physically and mentally. Fortunately, though, as the dust settled I came to the Father and He began lovingly teaching me, speaking about how in Him there is a rest that doesn't depend on schedules and free time, and telling me how I was made to walk hand in hand with Him, leaning on Him and consulting Him even concerning the smallest matters of life. Amazingly, when we choose the second option - running to God instead of relying on self - busyness actually drives us closer to God rather than away! Despite the continued rapid pace of DTS, I find that I am spending time with Him, listening to Him, asking Him questions, and receiving revelation and comfort from Him more than ever! So kick independence in the tail and run to the Father in your need - He is gracious and compassionate, [extremely] slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love!

"God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him,
for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs." (Matt. 5:3)


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