Monday, July 30, 2012

I think it's affecting me

Dan gave an excellent update on our lecture topic this week! But so much other stuff happened; another blog post is in order. 

First, I just want to express my utter delight in what we have learned this week! Matt and Cora Dawson are incredible teachers, and thanks to them I have a whole new view of worship. In my past worship experiences, I could never understand why I didn't "feel" like worshiping a God who, in my head, I knew was awe-inspiring. Because of this week's teaching, I realized that I didn't have the desire to worship because I wasn't being at all vulnerable or trusting. It hit me like a ton of bricks; a relationship with God is just like any other relationship. It's going to be terrible if there is no honesty, no vulnerability or no “realness". As Danny Boy already mentioned, we all took time to be completely honest with God. I was brutally honest, asking all my hardest questions. I had it out with God for a solid ten minutes. Then, Matt told us to ask for a picture or vision from God. Great, I thought. Like I'm really going to get anything from God after what I just said to Him. But God, in all His goodness, came through like He always does.

I saw myself sitting in a small room. There was a fire burning low, with a bed of coals heaped around it. I was sitting around the fire in a comfy, well worn leather chair. The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit where seated around the fire in the same comfortable chairs.  We were just talking, and laughing. You know how when you are with good friends, you can almost laugh at nothing at all? You can just look over at you r friend, catch the look in his eye, and start giggling? That's what was going on with myself and the Trinity. The God of the universe was saying that He was perfectly content to stay in a dark little room by a dying fire and laugh with me. He not only loves me, He wants to hangout with me. Gosh dang. That's a revelation. 

There was a bit involving The Lord of the Rings, but that may have just been me.

In case you wanted to know what my line was for the worship session the next morning, here it is:

"He's got places to go, but He stays and laughs with me"

I began thinking about how good God is. I thought about what He is doing in my life. I thought about the fantastic landscape surrounding me. I thought about Him laughing with me.

So, I worshiped like there was no tomorrow.

That was just some stuff I had on my heart to share, now on to other cool stuff we did this week!

On Tuesday we had our first BSS (Body, Soul, Spirit) class. It is essentially a physical fitness time that happens twice a week, and to be honest I was dreading it. But by God's grace I actually enjoyed it! We did a standard aerobics workout, and I definitely felt it the next day. I really think God is doing a work in my heart in this area, as silly as that sounds. I really enjoy exercise now. I enjoy hardening my body and turning it into what it was made to be. I have made a bit of a pact with myself; I am going to go on a barefoot run to the river every day. It's not far, but it is quite steep at times. The best part is that I'm not doing it because I "have to", I'm doing it because I want to.

On Wednesday, we had an introduction to intercessory prayer, which we will be doing every week. We didn't actually get to pray this time, but Linda Cowie gave us a excellent talk on what intercessory prayer is, and why we do it. It is simply, to intercede before God on behalf of others. It is a time when we put aside our own prayers about our “stuff," listen for what God wants us to pray about, and pray about it. I'm excited to get into it next week! We also had our first "Justice Stream" on Wednesday. During this time, Dan and I (and the entire Justice team) will learn about issues of justice, and where we as Christians fit into that. I am not looking forward to learning more about child soldiers, sex trafficking and poverty for the sake of just learning. But I am looking forward to learning about those issues so that we can better know how to help those who are hurting. The dozen of us who are in the justice school all have a real passion for justice issues, so it should be a really awesome time.

On Thursday, after our lecture and Holy-Spirit-led visions, we took off to climb Mount Mauganui for BSS. Unfortunately, the van carrying Dan and several other chaps was not running well (it went up hills at about 15 mph), and they had to turn back to the base. Alas, no calf busting jaunt for them, although they still took a walk up the road from the base and saw some beautiful scenery. The climb up the Mount was timed, but no pressure was placed on us, other than to do our best. I alternated running and brisk walking, and made it to the summit at a decent clip. The view from the top was stunning, and well worth the climb. We will get at least one more chance to climb the Mount, and I hope to actually be in shape by then! Thursday night held our first small group, in which the members of the justice team (also know as the Justice League) fellowship together. On this occasion, we snacked and relaxed while watching "Sweet Home Alabama". At last these people have a glimpse at the culture Dan and I come from.

Some photos at the Mount:

Some of Dan's photos from the road to the base:

It really was this green - Dan didn't edit this photo at all!

Friday morning we had Jesse Misa (an international co-director of Marine Reach) as a surprise guest during our fellowship time. He shared about the current state of Marine Reach search for a ship. At this point, they have found a ship in Canada, and are in the process of determining if this is "the one”. Jesse was here to ask us to pray and seek Gods guidance on this situation. Some neat stuff happened, they brought out a white board, and we gathered into groups and prayed for fifteen minutes. They then asked if anyone had heard or seen anything from God. A number of people had received pictures, words or scripture references from God. My mind couldn't fully understand how all of these things worked together. I just feel so blessed to be apart of a community where this type of thing is possible, and even normal.

Friday morning was also when we were told our outreach destination. At this point, the entire Justice team is going to Cambodia! Needless to say, I am very excited! We don't have a clue where we are going or what we will be doing, but outreach is still several months away. Of course, the obvious answer is that we will be doing whatever God tells us to do. Friday was our last day with the lovely Dawsons as well, and we sang our song lines together. Real, raw worship went on for two and a half hours, and it was awesome.

On Friday evening, Dan and I went up the road to see the sunset, which was beautiful. Of course, we couldn't resist taking some epic pictures as well.

Sunset over Tauranga, with Mt. Maunganui on the right.

On Saturday, our DTS joined up with the Couples DTS for a barbecue (cookout) on the beach. Hamburgers were eaten, fun was had, and a few foolhardy guys (okay...I did it too) took a dip in the frigid ocean. I might never get the chance to jump in a ocean in New Zealand in the middle of winter again, so I seized the day. On Saturday night, we gathered around and watched The Two Towers, a nearly mandatory activity for those who are living in Middle Earth.

Our awesome friend Skyler from Missouri, who had never been to the beach before!

Dan and I attended Mosaic church for the second time this morning, and we both still really like! I had though about trying several other churches before settling on one to stick with, but Mosaic has really drawn me in. The atmosphere is very similar to Dan and I's church back home, The Vine Of The Mountains: warm, welcoming and real (all you Vinelings can relate to this). I relaxed the afternoon away, and for the better part of the day we watched The Return Of The King. Having scratched our Lord Of The Rings itch, (for now) Dan and I are filled to the brim with quotes to cunningly slip into everyday conversation.

Well, that was a very brief overview of what happened this week! Thanks for keeping up with Dan and me, we truly love and appreciate all those who helped get us here. 

Fare thee well,

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading this and it brought back lots of memories of our dts. Your going to love serving in Cambodia.
