Thursday, August 2, 2012

What's 'taters' precious?

Time for another blog post!  Not a whole lot has happened since our last post, but do have several cool things to update you on!

After a fantastic weekend, Dan and I were pumped for a new week of lectures. We decided to start getting up earlier, allowing us a consistent quiet/Bible reading/hangout with Jesus time. God has placed a newfound hunger in my heart (and I think in Dan’s as well) for His Word. I want to read scripture.  I have always had those moments of guilt where I new I should be reading scripture. But now I actually enjoy it! God is so incredibly good to place that desire in my heart.  Getting up early is no fun but we stay so busy, and as unpleasant as early rising is, it just made sense. Anyway, getting up early has actually been nice. I feel so prepared for the day by the time breakfast roles around at 6:45.

Monday morning dawned rainy and wet. After breakfast and our normal work duties, we had “whanau” (family) time. Whanau time happens every Monday morning, and it is a great way to start of the week. The entire school, both students and staff gather together for tea and a sweet snack. Sometimes we have something to pray for, and other times we just fellowship and listen to David Cowie share funny stories. This time he sat down with his granddaughter to give her "advice" which consisted of things like "Don't ever let the dog watch your food."

Our lectures began after an awesome worship session. This week David Cole is teaching us about repentance and restitution. Not necessary a light topic, but David presents it in a positive way. Something he said stuck with me: “repentance is a gift from God”. That’s a pretty cool way to look at it. If we had to live out our relationships with God without the gift of repentance, our lives would be miserable. Having to carry around all the burdens and sins that we’ve committed would be a living hell. David is a great teacher, and God has used him to bring the truth of repentance to our DTS.

On Tuesday we had BSS, and because the weather had changed for the better, we had it outside. Exercising outside was glorious, and I am definitely feeling the sit ups today. After BSS, we got a crowd together to play ultimate frisbee. Ultimate has quickly become our favorite sport, we just can’t get enough. With a hunger that only lots of physical exertion can bring, we devoured dinner (Fish Thai Curry that night). Our food has been incredible! Not at all what I expected. We are blessed to have several talented ladies cooking for us.

This morning (Wednesday) started off on a tasty note! Today is Swiss Day, the birthday of Switzerland. Because we have several Swiss folks here, the lovely Swiss ladies baked Swiss bread for us this morning. I think I had like four pieces. It was so good; I have a newfound love of the Swiss people. Everyone decided we needed to have Swiss Day once a week. Today was also our intercessory prayer day, so after breakfast we dove into prayer. Today we prayer for various issues within the countries of New Zealand the United States Israel and Switzerland. Intersession is such a cool thing, and we all had a great, Holy Spirit-led time.
We had more lectures today, and David Cole has continued his presentation on repentance. I hitched a ride into town this afternoon to stretch my legs (okay, the real objective was potato chips). I had a relaxing night, and watched a movie with some of the other students. It’s a little strange for me to realize how much I love being in community, because I have always thought I was a hardcore introvert. I still think I am, but I am definitely having a blast with all my God loving friends. Fellowship and community are such indescribably good things.

That’s about it so far, nothing too major has happened. But I am finding out more and more that God is in the small things too. He’s in the short heartfelt prayer. He’s in the decision to get up a bit earlier to get in the Word. He’s even in the quick chat between friends. Our God is so big that He’s in the small things.


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