Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"The hands of a king are the hands of a healer"

Wow! Dan gave an awesome summary of our teaching last week. So much information has passed into my brain since we have gotten here. My head is starting to feel full, and we're only 1/3 of the way through the lecture phase! Anyway, here is a quick update on last weekend.

 On Friday, we finished up our intensive week of lectures on relationships. Dean Sherman was a fantastic and animated speaker with a lot of things to share. I for one got a lot out this week’s subject. But Dan has already summed up this weeks content nicely, so I’ll move on to the choice things that happened this weekend.

On Friday night, Dan and I went to the Tauranga House Of Prayer (THOP) for the second time since we’ve been here. I had never been to a house of prayer previous to coming here. It is simply awesome! It is a great time to pray (obviously), worship, journal or listen for God’s voice. To find out more about the Tauranga House Of Prayer, check out their website :

On Saturday, which was delightfully clear and beautiful, there was an event at our base called Emerge.  Emerge events involve worship, a speaker (or speakers) and most importantly, food. They hold Emerge events every two months, covering a variety of topics. The events are open to the community, and fortunately for us, to the DTS students.  The subject this time around was prophecy, and we heard from Josh and Amberley Klinkenberg from Inflame ministries. Inflame ministries holds prophetic worship seminars of their own, and I would highly recommend checking out their website for more info on these amazing people:

To be perfectly honest, I decided to attend this event the morning of, on a spur of the moment decision. Little did I know what I was in for. As I was saying, prophecy was the topic for this event, and Josh spoke for a bit about the prophetic gift from the Holy Spirit. After a lunch break for hamburgers and sausages, we jumped into several prophecy exercises.  This is where the fun began. We separated into two lines, with one line facing away from the other line. The line behind them was then rearranged. The folks looking away were told to ask God for a prophecy for the person standing behind them. We were told not to panic or worry if we didn’t get anything. Instead, we were to make something up. Josh explained that often God is in our thought process more than we think, and so even if we believe WE made something up, it was often God who actually did. We did this twice, so both lines had a chance to prophesy. It was SO cool! I was nervous when it came time for me to try it out, but I asked God what He had for me. I didn't hear anything, but for some reason, I glanced over at a power outlet. Weird, I thought. Then it hit me, who ever is behind me is or is going to be a energetic person! They are simply electric; they get people excited, energized and awake. I turned around and told the girl behind me what I had been thinking, and nervously asked her if that made any since at all. To my delight she answered that she was a worship leader! So what I had gotten was just confirmation and encouragement for her.

Another exercise we did was going around the base and looking for objects that connected with a word we had gotten from God. After a few minutes, we went back in and talked about some of the objects and prophesies that people had gotten. A guy named Scotty got up, holding a pair of jumper cables. He proceeded to say that he felt like there was someone in the room who related to the jumper cables. He said the person was like a good car battery, that they could get other people going. That this person could charge folks and excite them. But, he said, in order to do that they needed to learn how to get close to others. And that’s where the jumper cables came in. In order to transfer energy from one car battery to another, you need jumper cables. But the cables are normally pretty short. You have to be close to the car you are jumping off. After finishing his story, he looked straight at me and said "and that’s for you mate, God told me it was for the guy in a checkered shirt". My first reaction was, wait, I'm wearing a checkered shirt? after realizing that I was, the full realization of what he had said hit me. I was so blown away, because it was spot on! I need to learn to get close to people. I love it ONCE I am close to others, but the process of building close relationships is not a strong point of mine. But you can bet that now its something I'll be working on.

Needless to say, I am glad I decided to go to Emerge! God opened by eyes to His gift of prophecy and words of knowledge.

On Saturday night, Josh and Amberley held a worship service at a local church. Although geared towards high school age kids, several DTS students (myself included) went. We had a energetic couple hours of worship. After the worship portion of the night, Josh and Amberley talked a bit about what they do. We then had a time in which we gather into groups around anyone who needed physical healing, and prayed for them. This is something Josh and Amberley do a lot; at most of the events they hold. It was incredible, after several minutes of praying, a handful of teens had been healed of various levels of pain and physical brokenness. One guy in particular had broken his collar bone not long before in a skateboarding accident. He couldn’t raise his right arm very far at all, but after receiving prayer; he was able to swing his arm around however he wanted to. It was so cool to be a part of what was going on, to let God us to heal others. 

After such a crazy, God-saturated day, I was wiped out.

On Sunday we went to the Mosaic Church again. I just can't get over how cool Mosaic is. I was not looking forward to attending a new church, and figuring out how another body of believers did their thing. But Mosaic has blown me away every week. But its not so much the preaching (which is awesome) or the worship (which is amazing) or even the people (who are wonderful). It’s what God is doing in the church. Really, that’s what we should be drawn to in any church. Not the trendy decorations or cool worship leader. God is doing some amazing things in and through this church, and I'm excited to a part of that for the next two months. 

 On Sunday night, we had Marion Fromm as a guest speaker. None of us had heard much about her, so we all had no clue of what to except. Marion is almost 74 years young, and is serving as a business missionary to Cambodia. She founded a company/ organization called Reverse The Curse. RTC produces and sells dried fruit and preservatives under the name of Cambodian Harvest Dried Fruit Co., LTD. Marion founded RTC as a means to employ Cambodian landmine victims. Tragically, Cambodia is still littered with the landmines from past conflicts, and landmine victims are not uncommon throughout Cambodia. Those who have been maimed by landmines have a very difficult time finding work, and often, no one wants anything to do with them. The Buddhist/karma mindset is that the victims "deserved" what they got, and that they should not be helped. This is obviously not God's heart on this issue, and Marion is working to change that mindset. As one might expect, the employees are often open to hearing about the gospel after having been shown Jesus is such a incredible way. Marion had started a church in her factory, with nearly all of her employees attending. She holds small group bible studies every week as well, and visits by the Holy Spirit with visions and healing are frequent. What started as a simple dried fruit factory has grown into so much more.

I think the most awesome thing about Marion’s story is her obedience. God called on her late in life. She had no clue how to start a dried fruit company, let alone pioneer a church. But Marion was obedient to what God asked, and He has more than taken care of her this far. I know enough about God to know that if He asks you to do something, He will equip you with the knowledge and means to see it through. He certainly did that for Marion. 

If you would like to read Marion’s full story (just do it, it’s a awesome story) or find out more about RTC, check out their website:

So, that is what happened this past weekend! Thank you all for your prayers and support, they mean so much to Dan and I. May God bless you and keep you!

Sunset in Gideon's Valley

Cool willow trees!

More Gideon's Valley sunset action

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