Thursday, October 4, 2012

Quite ready for another adventure

Well, here we are, at the end of the beginning. The lecture phase is complete, and our Justice team is leaving the base in approximately 6 hours. We'll drive 3ish hours to Auckland, then catch our flight to Cambodia (with a layover in Malaysia). It is hard to describe the emotions that we are all feeling at this point. We are excited for the next step, the next chapter in our story, but we are also feeling the pang of closing a very joyful chapter. Leaving behind friends is always hard, and grieving the loss of a exciting time in life is not bad. Sometimes grieving is good.

But enough about sadness! Our team is SO excited to go to Cambodia! After so much talk and preparation, we are all ready to simply be there. As Micah 6.8 says, we are ready to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.  We are ready to start bringing the kingdom to earth in Cambodia.

As you may expect, Dan and I will have very limited interweb access while in Camboadia. Unfortunately, blog post may be infrequent or nonexest. However, what this means is that in  7 weeks when we return, there will be a influx of  long posts about our time in Camobia. In other words, brace yourselves.

At this point, I just want to thank everyone who helped get us here. It is so incredibly humbling to see how blessed I am. I feel honoured to be in the position I am, and I can't express my gratefulness enough. Thanks for being Jesus to me.

Fare Thee Well!

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