Saturday, October 20, 2012

Our King is Alive

Well, it's been a great and interesting week here in Cambodia. The first part of the week (Monday-Wednesday) was a big Buddhist holiday here, so a lot of people left Phnom Penh to visit their home villages. Most things were closed, and the ministry we have been working with, Children at Risk, also took the holiday off. So we were left to figure out what Jesus wanted us to do for those three days. We ended up spending most mornings at the hotel doing devotions, worshipping, praying, and reading Scripture. In the afternoons we prayed over the city a lot and did a little street evangelism on Wednesday.

On Monday, we prayer walked at Independence Monument, praying over Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and the next generation of Cambodians. On Tuesday we did a Jericho walk around the neighborhood that lies between the place where we're staying and YWAM base. That means we walked around it 7 times, praying, singing, or reading Scripture, and generally inviting God in and breaking down any strongholds of the enemy that have been built up there. On Wednesday we had a real outreach adventure as we went out to pray and do street evangelism on the waterfront. As we were leaving, we heard that a lot of roads were blocked off in that part of town, so we would have to be dropped of at Independence Monument which is a ways away from the waterfront. As we approached the monument, we started seeing heaps of people, all wearing white shirts and wearing small black ribbons. We assumed it had something to do with Buddhist holiday that was going on, although we heard something about the King, too. Only later did we finally realize that the king had died, and that evening was his funeral. In the meantime, we walked to the waterfront to street evangelize. Seth, Melanie, and I ended up spending most of our time talking to the child street vendors, who know english pretty well so we can communicate pretty easily. We tried our best just to show them the love of Christ, and told them a little about Jesus. Afterward, as we were walking back to the monument to get picked up, we realized there were even more people and it was really hard to cross the roads. We ended up getting hemmed in and stuck waiting for the funeral procession to come by. We didn't complain though, because it was a really interesting cultural experience - how many people can say they've been to a king's funeral?

On Thursday, we were back with Children at Risk, helping with the adult cell group before the guys went off to play soccer and the girls stayed and taught the children a dance. We have so much fun with those kids!

On Friday, we worshipped up on the roof of the hotel and again prayed over the city. In the afternoon we had drama class - we wrote a skit about being a good student (for Children at Risk on Monday) and learned a skit about David and Goliath for Sunday.

Last night we also learned a bit about what we will be doing for the rest of our time here! Next weekend some time we will actually be leaving Phnom Penh to go to Svay Rieng, which is southeast of here really close to the Vietnam border. We're not sure exactly what the ministry does that we will be working with, but it will be an awesome adventure, I'm sure! Then we will come back to Phnom Penh and work with Children at Risk again for our last couple of weeks. Then it's off to New Zealand again. I'm sure the time will fly by.

Anyway, that's a really quick rundown of the past week! I hope you are all wonderful!

Our God is greater,

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